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We are always keen to hear your thoughts about the Chemistry Library


Michaelmas Term 2024: Festive Feedback

In Michaelmas Term 2024, we incorporated opportunities to provide feedback into our festive Bridgemas decorations. One feedback station invited users to write their library wishes on paper stars, while the other asked whether the library had been Naughty or Nice!


Wish upon a Star

You wished for: more big cushion chairs

Your wish is our command! We have ordered two additional beanbags, which will appear in the library soon. These are an interim measure while we look into providing more comfortable seating throughout the Wellbeing area.

You wished for: HDMI to USB-C adaptors for the docking solutions

Wish granted! We have ordered two HDMI to USB-C cables, which are now available to borrow from the Library Office.


Naughty or Nice?

Most respondents said the library had been nice - phew!

Nice votes commented on:

  • how warm the library is

  • the Wellbeing area

  • our seasonal decorations

  • the blankets

  • the nice librarians

  • the printing facilities

However, one library user felt that scrap paper should be more consistently available. We try to maintain two trays of scrap paper throughout the year (one in the printing room, one by the new books collection) and a third in the revision period during Easter Term. We will check these trays more regularly and keep them topped up as best we can, but we are also committed to reducing the amount of printing and subsequent paper waste we produce. Of course, library users are also welcome to add to the scrap paper stash!


Lent Term 2024 Feedback

For Lent Term 2024 we created a physical feedback board in the library which could be used in conjunction with our comments book and the online feedback board. Our hope was that the physical whiteboard would allow library users to respond quickly and easily to survey questions about our space and services, while the comments book and online feedback board offered the opportunity to give more detailed feedback with anonymity. Over the course of the term, we aimed to develop a fuller understanding of how the library's resources are being used so that we could improve and promote our services more effectively.

The physical feedback board was updated regularly, and all comments left in the comments book or online were read and responded to.


Feedback Board #3: Which methods do you use to study or revise?

Whiteboard in library with brightly coloured mind map surveying different study techniques.

For our third and final feedback board of Lent Term we wanted to know more about which techniques our users find most helpful when studying or revising. Library users were encouraged to either put a sticker on the options that most benefit them or use a marker to write in their preferred method in one of the blank spaces. View feedback results and our response..


Feedback Board #2: Can you find what you're looking for in the library?

Whiteboard in the library with magnifying glasses next to labels with different resources.


















For our second feedback board of the term, we wanted to know which resources are easy to find in the library and which need to be better signposted. We invited users to put stickers on magnifying glasses next to things which they felt confident finding, and on black circles next to things that were more of a challenge. View feedback results and our response..


Feedback Board #1: What do you use the library for?

Whiteboard in library with tree drawing and reasons to use the library on the branches.


















For our first feedback board of Lent Term, we wanted to know what people were using the library for. We invited library users to put red stickers on apples hanging from the branches of our feedback tree that most accurately described their library usage. View feedback results and our response..


Easter Term 2023 Feedback

Photo of whiteboard in library with tree draw and comments written in the leaves
For Easter term 2023 we created a physical feedback board in the library and an online feedback board where you could post your comments anonymously and we would respond. We hoped that this would encourage more feedback from all library users on the library space, services and collections in an informal way, and also highlight our approachability.
The physical feedback board was engaged with from its first day in place, we monitored it daily and responded. Of the comments received, some we could action an immediate response and others required a holding reply while we investigated further.

You said... We did...

Our "You said... We did..." poster provides a summary of feedback received during Easter term 2023.

Keep on letting us know!

We really enjoyed hearing from you! Although the physical feedback board was only available for Easter term, the online feedback board is here to stay.  Please do use it to post your comments or suggestions, or leave a message in our comments book in the library.  
The physical feedback board will be back, in a slightly different guise, for Michaelmas 2023.